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Some people are nervous about using lancets on their own at home, but they are designed to be easy to use. CVS Health Lancets Thin are a great option for anyone who needs to test their blood sugar at home. In order to use this product, simply twist off the protective disk and follow the directions. To minimize the pain of blood sugar testing, change the lancet after every use. Lancets become dull and painful when they are re-used. It is very important to make sure you are using the lancet correctly to prevent accidental injuries. Be sure to read the directions before using a lancet for the first time and follow them precisely.

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Lancets are small needle-like medical supplies. With a lancet, you can make a tiny prick in your skin to obtain a few drops of blood for testing in a diabetic monitor. Lancing devices are used with lancets. Most have a spring action that allows the lancet to move quickly enough to pierce the skin. While lancing devices, themselves, are reusable, it is important to use a new lancet each time you check your blood sugar to help prevent infection.

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Lancets are small, needle-like medical supplies. When paired with a lancing device, they are used to make a very small prick in your skin to collect a few drops of blood to test your blood sugar levels. Most lancets have spring action, making it very easy and quick to pierce the skin. Lancing devices themselves are reusable, but it is very important to use a new lancet every time you check your blood sugar to avoid infections. You can very easily purchase any lancing devices through CVS so you can feel confident in checking your blood sugar at home.

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People with diabetes suffer from elevated levels of blood sugar or glucose. With Type 1 diabetes, the problem occurs because the pancreas does not manufacture insulin, the hormone responsible for keeping blood sugar levels in check. In people with Type 2 diabetes, the body either does not make enough insulin or does not respond to insulin properly. For both types of diabetes, insulin injections or oral medications are typically taken to help keep blood sugar levels within normal range.

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How To Test Your Blood Sugar: A Step

It can be intimidating to test your blood sugar if youre new to diabetes. There are several steps to follow, and its important to get an accurate reading so you know how much insulin to administer. Heres a breakdown of the 10 steps you should take to accurately test your blood sugar.

  • Wash your hands. This might seem like a trivial or common sense step, but its very important that you dont contaminate your test. If contaminated, you will not get an accurate read and will need to test again. Save yourself time and always make sure you start your test with clean hands.
  • Gather your materials. This includes your glucose meter, test strips, alcohol wipe, lancets, and lancing device. Having it all laid out and ready will make it easier to get an accurate test result.
  • Prepare lancing device. You can prepare your lancing device by removing the top cap and inserting the lancet into the spring-loaded chamber until its secure. Then, remove the protective cap from the needed and put the top back on the lancing device. You may have to adjust the depth of the lancet on your lancing device to ensure you produce a blood sample.
  • Prepare your meter. Once your lancet is prepared, open the sterile container of test strips. Make sure youre inserting the correct end into the glucose meter. Slide the test strip into the glucose meter, and wait for the meter to indicate it is ready for a blood sample.
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    Basic Blood Glucose Meters

    At its simplest, a glucometer is a hand-held instrument with a digital screen that’s used with disposable test strips treated with chemicals that react to glucose. Some glucose meters come with a lancing devicean instrument that uses a spring-loaded needle to create a tiny puncture in the skin, from which a blood sample is obtained. Lancing devices and lancets can be purchased separately, however, and the size of the lancet can be adjusted depending on personal comfort.

    To get a blood glucose measurement, a person draws a blood sample and carefully touches it to a test strip that’s been inserted into the device. The test strip absorbs the blood, and then an electronic circuit detects the glucose on the strip, displaying it as a number on the screen, usually within seconds.

    Most meters run on batteries and have at least a minimal amount of memory for storing results. With very few exceptions, most also have the capability to download and store results to a computer.

    But there are other features to consider, such as:

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